
At this moment I am in charge with design communication for « Decathlon.be« , project director for Mobyfree and Cherry PXL. When I have time, I blog and I love to learn every day!
You can consult my resume here


Recent Projects

My last creation and many more…


More than 15 years experience, I help you choose the best options and strategy.


Graphic design and great mastery of adobe tools


I have an artistic curriculum and a total understanding of space and colors


Good knowledge in photography. Today with the social networks it is essential


I use Dreamweaver for Html and Css. Most of my sites are developed with the wordpress system


Web Design
Web Development


 I had the opportunity to work with Sam for the development of 3 websites during my previous job. It was really challenging because I had to develop them in a very short time. Sam was really supportive in that project, always available rapidly when needed. I really appreciated the web interface he developed that can be used and updated quite easily by myself (even with no web design knowledge) with limited support from Sam . He also developed our visual identity which was really innovative while perfectly representing the company positioning. I really recommend Sam for your project.

Lise Barbeaux Managing Director ORAZ Consulting

Laurent Fack, mes collègues et moi-même, vous félicitons vous et toute votre équipe pour ce très beau carton d’invitation !
C’est très original par rapport à ce que nous recevons d’habitude et nous tenions à ce que vous le sachiez !

Merci pour votre enthousiasme !

Atina KOSTOGLOUOrchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie

Mes collaborations avec Sam Duré ont toujours été prolifiques et constructives. Samuel est une personne très passionnée, toujours à la recherche des dernières nouveautés en matière de nouvelles technologies, réseaux sociaux, sites internet et tout moyen de communication online.

Mathieu Bonte Head of Marketing & Communication

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